Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"Do you like BBQ?"

Hello friends!

We just had a very interesting experience about 20 minutes ago. Sister Hewitt were sitting in a little sandwich shop and this lady walked over to us and had this sweet little smile on her face. I thought, oh she must be a member of the church. Well she got close to us and said "Hi girls, I just wanted to tell you that you should read the bible a little more thoroughly because you're being deceived. You need to go back to the basics, you don't really know Christ." I was floored! She said it so nice I didn't even know how to respond! We just told her that we appreciate her opinion, that we know this church is true. We asked her if she has read the book of Mormon and she said yes and that everything contradicts what is said in the bible. We testified that we know everything in the book of Mormon completely supports the bible, it doesn't go against it in any way. We told her we would read the bible a little more if she would read the book of Mormon a little more. She eventually stopped and left. It was interesting to me that she felt such a need to warn us we were being deceived. It was actually a little bit amusing. Sister Hewitt and I just laughed after.

This week was so good! We went on a couple exchanges, it kept us pretty busy! We

 had SUCH a good lesson with our investigator Doug this week. We had the lesson and the mission home with President Robinson and the spirit was SO strong. We talked about baptism and what it means. Then we had raspberry shakes with President. (That's their trademark, apparently raspberry shakes where they're from is a big deal) Then we all went to a baptism together afterward. It was SO good to see Doug finally in a church building, he had been resisting it for so long. I think he was just nervous, but everyone there made him feel so welcome, I was just overwhelmed with joy.

Well something else incredible happened this week. We were out tracting and there was this young couple walking their dog. We went over to talk to them and ask them if they would like to learn more about Christ and they gave us their number. We gave them a call and they said "well, we're not sure if we're really interested in church." and we just said "Oh...okay" And I think I sounded a little sad because then she said "But you girls seem really nice, so do you want to come have dinner sometime?" And I was like "WHAT?! YES! WE DON'T HAVE DINNER TOMORROW!" And so we went over for dinner and we talked to her and her husband all about what we do as missionaries and everything. They seemed really interested. Her husband had to leave but we asked if we could show her a video. We showed her "Hope of God's light" It's this INCREDIBLE new Mormon message. She liked it. We asked her "What made you want to invite us over for dinner? Usually strangers don't do that." And she said "well, I don't know. I have depression and so I know I need to start branching out and talking to people. I  haven't invited anyone over for dinner before, but I felt like I should." And we were like OH MY GOSH THE SPIRIT IS SO AWESOME. We told her that we KNOW we met her on the street for a reason. We asked her if she would be willing to let us come by and teach her about the church. She agreed. Once again, another instance of Heavenly Father placing prepared souls in our paths. So cool! :)

Well tomorrow night we get to drive to Soldotna for exchanges and I'm excited. I LOVE the sisters in the mission, they have all become my best friends. I'm so blessed to serve with such incredible sisters. I have so many new best friends! :)


(Sister Hewitt was writing with a pen on my foot)

Sister Hew: "I'm writing BH, for Brynn Hewitt, I'm marking my territory."

Me: "Do you realize those are my initials too? You just wrote my own initials on my foot..."

And then something else funny happened, our ward mission leader is a mortician and his family lives above the funeral home. We do laundry there every Monday morning.

This morning his 14 year old daughter Maddie said "We need to have you guys over for dinner! Do you guys like BBQ?!"

Sis Hew & I: "Um YES! We love it!"

Maddie "Good, he uses the crematory to BBQ"

Sister Hew & I: "WHAT?!"

Maddie "Just kidding...."

Hahahaha not funny!

I love you all! Keep on keepin on! The Lord loves you! The church is true!

Love, Sister Hallmark

We helped Sister Heckels make cute signs for her wall :)

We helped Sister Heckels make cute signs for her wall :)

ya know, just helping a family knit their tree...

Art work done by my lovely companion.

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